

achievements module for games

Goals for crtrdg-goal:

  • Quick and dirty little achievements system for crtrdg games.


  • node.js
  • browserify / beefy
  • crtrdg-gameloop (or possibly another method of animating the canvas with requestAnimationFrame that emits update and draw events)

Getting started

Install node if you haven’t already.

Install browserify and beefy:

npm install -g browserify beefy

install crtrdg modules

npm install --save crtrdg-gameloop crtrdg-goal crtrdg-mouse

crtrdg-mouse is an optional module. You caould probably also use something other than crtrdg-gameloop, you would just need a different game object in its place.


Create an index.html file:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>crtrdg goal test</title>


<canvas id="game"></canvas>

<script src="./bundle.js"></script>

Create a game.js file:

var Game = require('crtrdg-gameloop');
var Mouse = require('crtrdg-mouse');
var goals = require('crtrdg-goal')(game);

var game = new Game({

  canvasId: 'game',

  width: '800',

  height: '400',

  backgroundColor: '#ff1f1f',


var mouse = new Mouse(game);

mouse.on('click', function(location){



goalOne = goals.create({

  name: 'first goal'



goalOne.on('active', function(goal){

  console.log( + ' is active');


goalOne.on('met', function(goal){

  console.log( + ' is met!');



Purpose of crtrdg:

Almost every javascript game / animation library I’ve found bundles things like requestAnimationFrame polyfill, gameloop, entities, abstract drawing methods, keyboard/mouse input, vector math, and more into one entangled library. If I don’t like how the library handles just one of those components, I’m stuck with dead library weight, and sometimes it’s difficult to replace a library’s methods.

So what if each element of 2d games were broken up into it’s own modules / repositories?

With inspiration from voxel.js, crtrdg is a collection of javascript modules used for developing 2d games.

As I learned more about node.js, the core events module, and browserify, I realized the ideal api for making simple 2d games could be based on node’s events module. So you’ll see a lot of crtrdg modules exposing an api that includes .on('some event', function(){}), which seems to make a lot of sense for games.

Other crtrdg modules:


  • Fork this repository.
  • Create a branch for you changes.
  • Include tests if applicable.
  • Add/edit documentation for any changes.
  • Submit a pull request.
